

8 questions you need to ask your newborn photographer before hiring them!!

newborn photography baby with brown bonnet

Capturing newborn babies is a magic moment for most parents. Who doesn’t love to see their little one all snuggled up, posed in the best way to show off their tiny features. They are absolute perfection!

Finding your newborn photographer may feel over whelming so we have put together some handy questions to help narrow down your choices.

1. Do they have training in newborn posing? Have they attended workshops?

This one may seem silly but to me, it is one of the most important questions you can ask. Newborn photography is a specialized field that does require things beyond knowledge of your camera.

The over abundance of photographers these days combined with web sites like Pinterest has led to a trend of people just picking up a camera and jumping into the newborn genre.

Those skilled in newborn photography have taken the time to attend workshops to learn hands on with professional guidance and most importantly, safety in posing. Knowing which poses must be done with an assistant, recognizing abnormal signs and behaviors in newborn as well as simple basics such as infant CPR should be an important factor.

This also brings me to question how they do “complex” images such as baby holding their head on their hands or hanging from a branch in a hammock. These images are all Photoshop composites and should never be done without hands on the baby at all time or actually hanging the baby from something.

When considering someone, ask to see how they learned this genre,.. If someone does not have specific training, you may want to think twice.

2. Are they a registered business? Do they have liability insurance?

Hand in hand with the prior question, your baby and their safety should always be at the forefront of your mind.

Being a registered business & carrying liability insurance shows that someone is serious about their photography and have taken it beyond the hobby stage. When handing over your baby, you want to make sure they have put everything in motion to protect your child as much as possible.

Contracts between yourself and the photographer outlining terms & policies should also be a must have.

3. How long have they been doing newborn photography?

Being a parent doesn’t automatically mean you will be a good newborn photographer. Every baby has their own quirks and have to be handled in their own way. Tips & tricks of the trade are learned through experience from recognizing a gassy tummy to how to get that never sleeping baby to close their eyes or how to alter classic poses to fit specific needs like reflux.

4. Do they provide things like props, outfits, headbands,… ?

The key to items fitting newborns so perfectly in portraits is they are sourced from specialized vendors. The average newborn outfit will be bulky and oversized on a 7 lbs baby. This will not photograph well, which is why speciality outfits are used to fit just right. These items are normally provided by the photographer for your session and they should have a bit of variety to match your vision.

5. Does their style match yours?

Too often, I get inquiries from people who haven’t even looked at my work but are interested in my pricing. The beauty of photography is that it comes from the soul and everyone has their own vision. A quick glimpse at my portfolio and you can see that I am very minimalist in my props and veer towards muted, neutral & darker tones in my images. Someone looking for pastel colors and an elaborate Disney themed set up would never be drawn to my work.

When looking through websites, your first instinct shouldn’t be to hit the pricing page, but rather look through their galleries – does their work speak to you? Is this how you envision your baby photographed? Does their color palette look like something you would hang in your home?

6. Is their business model suited for you? What is their average client investment?

Not all photography businesses are created equal. Some do what is called All Inclusive where the fee you pay includes your final portraits. Do they include all the final portraits or just a few? Can you buy more? How much does that cost?

Here at NHP, we have a Session Fee which covers the creation of your images and you purchase what you want in product or digital files separately. My clients invest in wide ranges depending on what they chose to take home.

Neither option is right or wrong. Each has it’s pros and cons and each appeal to a different type of person.

7. What age do they like to photograph newborns? What about preemies? Multiples?

In the newborn world, the rule of thumb is in the first 2 weeks of life. This is when babies are “best” because they are still used to the confines of the uterus which makes posing them a bit easier.

Some photographers, like myself, prefer that age range but will photograph newborns well into the 4-5 week mark, although some poses may not be possible with older babies from a safety & comfort point of view.

Not all photographers feel comfortable manipulating tiny babies because they are so fragile. Good news is preemies will continue acting brand new much farther along which allows to push the session back.

Multiples are the same deal, not all photographers feel comfortable posing twins, triplets together because its something they may not be familiar with. Be sure to discuss this with them if you are wanting images of the babies together and not just separately.

8. Are parent & sibling poses included?

For me, that first family portrait is something I insist on because it is so important in my eyes. We include poses with each parent, siblings, even grandparents if you ask.

Not all newborn photographers offer family, sibling or parent poses.

If these types of images are important to you, be sure to mention it to the photographer at booking. Don’t assume that because you see parent images on their website that you will get them. Some photographers charge an additional fee to photograph beyond just the newborn.

Hopefully this will be some great food for thought and help you in your search for the perfect newborn photographer! 

newborn photography baby girl holding deployed dad on telephone

Check out our newborn portfolio by clicking HERE

contact me

T. 843-619-7357

E. info@nadiahurttphotography.com