

Doula Week | What is a Doula? | Beaufort Birth Photographer

World Doula Week

In honor of World Doula Week, we will be talking with our favorite Doula, Dawn, of Compassionate Care Doula.

Many women have heard of a Doula but are not always quite sure of what exactly they do and how they help. So we decided to ask Dawn a few of the most common questions about what she does and why its important for every expectant mom to know

Meet Dawn

A little about Dawn and her journey to becoming a full time Doula and child birth educator

I am a married mother of 3 girls. Each baby was a different birth experience for me. After being married for a couple of years we discovered that we were pregnant. Unfortunately, that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Very common occurrence for some women. We quickly became pregnant with my 1st daughter. She was 1 week past my due date and I was induced and given an epidural. It was very an uncomfortable experience for me. My 2nd, I decided to wait until labor started spontaneously. Once my water broke, I was forced to remain the hospital bed because I was told that, ” I could get an infection”. After being stuck in the bed for hours I opted for pain management. This time I was offered Stadol, a narcotic. The use of narcotics just made me sleepy and loopy.

My own natural birth experience

My 3rd I decided that I wanted a more natural birth without a lot of medical Intervention. I waited and labored very quietly at home. In fact, I didn’t even realize that I was in labor. I was able to eat, take a bath, lay down, got on all fours and basically move about and get as comfortable as I could. Finally, by morning, I felt an urge to move my bowels. Instead of that, I realized that I felt like I was pushing. Noticing the difference I reach down and felt her head.

My husband and I rushed off to the hospital. They told him to put me in the wheelchair. While trying to get up I pushed and she began to emerge. At that point, I just let go and gave birth in the back of my car by myself. If I knew then what I know now, I would have just given birth at home. It was the best birth out of the 3. The least amount of pain, and less interference.

This is when I knew that I was interested in the miracle of birth! Then, through helping my sister, family, and friends, a nurse asked me if I was a doula. I had no clue. I had to research it. At the time, I still had small children of my own and my husband worked rotating shifts. I was not able to be a full-time doula. Once my youngest went off to college, I pursued my dream. After my own birth experiences and observing the births of others I knew it was time. I trained, certified to be a doula, eventually, became a doula instructor. My job is my passion. Originally from Long Island NY, my husband and I have relocated to South Carolina after he retired from Law enforcement. We absolutely love it here. I am able to pursue my career goals and he can play golf.

Beaufort lowcountry doula services


What exactly is a Doula?

The basic definition of a Doula,” A childbirth professional who assists and consults with expectant mothers/ families during pregnancy. We attend the birth to help facilitate the best birth outcome possible.”

Your Birth Experience

What I do as a doula to help with this process is, before labor even begins there a few things that we need to discuss. I offer up to date evidence-based knowledge/information. The advances in the medical world can change very quickly. Doulas should be able to research and find information to help families make the best-informed decisions. Childbirth Education is important and not widely used. This is where the doula can build a relationship with their clients by finding out the needs and wants of the individuals. Most parents-to-be, do not realize that they have choices that can be made for the birth of their baby. They also may not know they have the right to make those choices for their birth.

As your doula, my job is to help you strive to have the birth that you wish for. Together with a good birth team (Provider+facility+doula), you can have a positive experience. A doula is not a promise of no pain meds, no cesarean, or no episiotomy. A doula is there to help to get the best possible experience. We help you make the choices that you want so that choices are not being made for you or without your consent. There are times that medical intervention is necessary. However, with knowledge and planning, you help make those very important decisions if an emergency arises.

Your Labor

While in labor, as your doula, I will be with you, hands on for the duration of your labor. Doulas, unlike other medical professionals, are able to make you their priority. We don’t have other patients waiting, we don’t have to leave you to check on others or do paperwork. Your doula never leaves your side. They are your one on one support system for you and your partner. Your partner isn’t removed or replaced in the labor/birth process. Our goal is to actually involve your partner in an educated directed way, so they are confident in their role of support as well.

We all have different methods of pain relief that each one of us subscribes to. When looking for your doula this is one of the questions that you would need to ask. For labor relief, I offer essential oils, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, counter pressure, light guided relaxation meditation, light massage, soft touch, rebozzo, just to name a few of my personal resources.

Your Postpartum

Once the arrival of your new bundle is here, I help your baby latch on to the breast for first time breastfeeding. If b breastfeeding is not a families choice, I will suggest formulas that are good for your baby’s development. We will go over your after-birth birth wish/plan. Most moms think that the labor and birth are all that should be discussed. In fact, that’s just the very beginning of your decision making. I stay with the family until everyone is settled. The room should begin to quiet down to help facilitate the “Golden Hour”.

These are basic requirements for a birth doula and how I serve my clients. Once your baby is here and you are ready to go home, you can hire a postpartum doula. I hold a dual certification in both birth and postpartum to be able to help families transition to home life with a new baby.

For more information on Dawn and her services, please contact her on her website or follow her on Facebook.

Book us together as part of your birth team, receive a discount on both our services!




2121 Boundary St, Suite 202

Beaufort SC



T. 843-619-7357

E. info@nadiahurttphotography.com